Daily Archives: November 13, 2018

Re-Imaging the City by Maheen Naaz

            Thinking about the future is no easy task to accomplish, as we don’t know what is going to come up in the following years. However, there is a lot of interest in such question that what a future city … Continue reading

Posted in Class Assignments M.Sc. Geography 2017-19 AMU, Aligarh, Development, earth, opinions, Population, urban morphology, Urban Studies | 19 Comments

Future City – A Dream of Mine: Juvairiya

            Nobody has seen future but fancies float in the minds of all of us under no control. However future plan is a part of success. We may presume a future look like. If I presume a city in future … Continue reading

Posted in Class Assignments M.Sc. Geography 2017-19 AMU, Aligarh, earth, opinions, urban morphology, Urban Studies, vision | 19 Comments