Book Reviews

The Rudest Book Ever

The Rudest Book Ever by Shwetabh Gangwar gives  reader   a fresh perspective on how we see the world. It puts emphasis on why one should focus on learning how to think rather than learning what to think. The book can change your life- A Must Read. Concepts like “You Are a Nation” and “Stop Chasing Happiness” have a freshness rarely seen in self help books.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari 

The Book is a fresh approach. It gives the reader a perspective on some realities of our time. it begins with the origin of the species and ends with post-humans. The Book presents the truth about “THE TRUTH” of our times. It gives a fresh perspective about Gossip and Religion in modern society. The development of language is dealt upon nicely. The spread of empires and trade as well as the rise of capitalism is nicely presented in a no-Nonsense manner.Much of Sapiens is extremely interesting, and it is often well expressed. A Must Read.

Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World- A Scenario of Future

It is not a book about Covid-19. Fareed Zakaria, a CNN host with a Ph.D. from Harvard, talks about the future.

Wisely, he stays away from the daily battles over masks and lockdowns. Nor is doom-mongering his business. Instead “Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World” employs a wide lens, drawing on governance, economics and culture. Call it “applied history.” What insights does it offer during a catastrophe that evokes the Spanish flu after World War I, which claimed 50 million — some reckon 100 million — lives?

He talks about the world after the Plague, about the world after Spanish Flu. He talks about the past, is like the Torch.
A Must Read.The book gives a insight into the past and future.

The Mastery of Self: A Toltec Guide to Personal Freedom

by Miguel Ruiz Jr.

In this book, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. provides a clear roadmap reach his or her potential. The Narration impacts teaches you stay focused every day. This is exactly the same kind of book. Thank you so much.

According to Toltec Tradition, we each live in our own personal dream, and all of our dreams come together to make the Dream of the Planet. Problems arise when we forget that the dream is just a dream and fall victim to believing that we have no control over it.

In fact, if you have a book review podcast, this is one book you’re highly recommended to go over in your podcast. It’s going to give you better traffic than if you decided to buy spotify plays.

A Wonderful Read.

Zero to One

“Zero to One” is a captivating and thought-provoking wonderful book written by Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal and an accomplished entrepreneur and investor. The book provides a unique Philosophy on building a successful life and creating breakthrough innovations.

Thiel’s central premise is that true progress and exceptional companies are born from “zero to one” moments, which refer to the creation of entirely new and valuable ideas, products, or services, as opposed to incremental improvements.

One of the key takeaways from the book is Thiel’s emphasis on the power of innovation and the pursuit of monopoly. He argues that true innovation allows to create and capture of lasting value, while monopolies are essential for generating outsized profits. Thiel challenges the conventional wisdom that competition is always beneficial and urges entrepreneurs to focus on building unique and defensible market positions.

He says that competition is overrated.

While “Zero to One” offers many valuable insights and strategic frameworks for aspiring entrepreneurs, some readers may find Thiel’s views to be overly idealistic or controversial. For example, his skepticism toward incremental innovation and his endorsement of monopolies can be seen as polarizing viewpoints.

Overall, “Zero to One” is an engaging and thought-provoking read that challenges conventional thinking and provides a unique perspective on entrepreneurship and innovation. It offers valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders, encouraging them to think differently and aim for groundbreaking ideas that can reshape industries.

A Milestone Book.

Mujhe Chand Chahiye

Varsha is a small town girl, who is an introvert and shy, grows up ambitiously yet humbly, to become a successful, much sought-after, superstar in Indian film industry is narrated captivating manner. You cannot even once guess the ending of any chapter, leave alone the whole story. It is a welcome read for any voracious reader who can read Hindi.

Narration is in such a way that every character introduced gets his/her background explained briefly. Character building is the strength of the book.There are too many characters and their presence is justified by the life story of Yashoda Sharma/Silbil/Varsha Vashisht.

Varsha at a point takes up new name and perhaps that is the process of donning a new avatar and perhaps a new person.This is a journey of a person being a better person. With every challenge she grows as a person and as an artist.

The title of the book suggests it is a story of an attempt to gain something impossible. So, does Varsha Vashisht attain all that she desires? Does she lose anything in the process? This novel will make it hard for you to put it down.