Green Spaces in the Concrete Jungle

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Fantastic Tricks for Improving Teachers’ Classroom Performance

As a school principal, you should always be on the lookout for ways to improve teachers’ performance. Helping your staff not only improves your school’s reputation but also boosts the quality of life for the entire community.

In this article, we’ll share some great tricks school principals can use to motivate their teachers and provide better education to the young ones.

1.    Subject Matter Mastery

It’s only normal for a teacher to have a high level of knowledge of the current subject matter. However, that doesn’t necessarily make them an expert on all things. Like all other humans, they might have gaps in their knowledge, which might become noticeable if one of the kids asks them a tough question.

Your staff should have a solid grasp of various elements, including popular theories, concepts, principles, rules, and facts. They need to proactively seek knowledge by reading professional magazines and checking the latest studies. Most importantly, they need to teach kids why this subject is important in their lives and what to expect from attending the classes.

The staff should go beyond theoretical knowledge. The school’s professors should show some real world applications to students, and explain these theories in a multitude of contexts. Even when explaining a complex concept, your teachers would have to regurgitate the information so they’re relevant and understandable for that grade.

2.    Lesson Planning

Teachers should outline their short and long-term goals so there aren’t any hiccups with the curriculum. With a proper lesson plan, they can create a viable strategy and organize activities, content, and materials. Lesson planning is especially valuable for streamlining lessons and making the most out of limited time.

Another great thing about lesson planning is that it keeps children engaged. They will know what’s going on at every moment, which will also make it easier to connect the dots between hard concepts. Teachers who plan lessons in such a manner usually enjoy more respect from their students compared to those who don’t.

Of course, planning will also make life easier for teachers. They won’t have to stress about goals and not completing them in time. The assessment process will be easier, and your staff will know when and how to grade the kids.

3.    Annual Awards

As a principal, you should do everything in your power to motivate teachers and make them feel appreciated. Not only will this increase their performance, but it will also increase retention rates.

Perhaps the best way to stimulate competitiveness in the workplace is by considering various teacher award ideas. These can range from “Teacher of the Month” to “Most Proactive Teacher.” Among others, these awards can stimulate your staff to explore different teaching methods and to constantly improve their subject matter knowledge.

4.    Student-Teacher Relationships

Principals should also encourage professors to bond with their students. Given that learning is often an emotional process and can pose a massive burden for many kids, you need to approach it with tact. Among others, by building these relationships, students will perceive you as someone who wants to help, not necessarily make their lives miserable.

To build a strong relationship with students, staff should focus on communication, mentoring practices, trust, and classroom management. Communication, in particular, is invaluable for learning about different students and adapting to their needs. By simply chatting with them, teachers, can learn more about their character, hobbies, and preferred subjects.

However, a good teacher should also be ready to sanction unruly behavior. By punishing kids who are too aggressive or unfocused, the staff creates an environment where others can thrive. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you should give up on rascals; you need to learn more about these kids to steer them in the right direction.

5.    Equipment and Resources

The principal can significantly improve the staff’s performance by securing modern tools, software, and resources. This type of equipment is especially valuable in this day and age where most kids have trouble focusing during classes and need something extra to stay engaged.

Besides buying the best books, you should get various audio-visual aids, worksheets, fast internet connection, advanced teaching software, and access to online platforms. The higher ups should also do their best to add more resources to the library, while encouraging kids to visit it more often.

Perhaps the trickiest thing about equipment and tools is choosing the right ones. As there are so many products that can help teachers’ performance, you need to prioritize the ones that are most engaging. Find solutions that promote active learning and can facilitate different learning styles. In fact, both professors and students should have a role in selecting the resources for the school.


School principals have an important role in motivating their staff and improving their performance. They need to oversee the entire process by encouraging better classroom communication and providing feedback to struggling staffers. Investing in equipment also pays off in the short and long run, as it will make it easier for kids to take in all the lessons.

Hopefully, by following suggestions in this article, you can create a perfect routine for your staff that will boost their performance as well as school’s reputation.

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Mahajanpadas: Milestone to March of Urbanisation in India

The 6th–5th centuries BCE are often regarded as a major turning point in early Indian history. During this period, India’s first large cities since the demise of the Indus Valley civilization arose. It was also the time of the rise of sramana movements (including Buddhism and Jainism), which challenged the religious orthodoxy of the Vedic period.

The Buddhist Anguttara Nikaya, at several places,[15] gives a list of sixteen great states:

  1. Anga
  2. Assaka (or Asmaka)
  3. Avanti
  4. Chedi
  5. Gandhara
  6. Kasi
  7. Kamboja
  8. Kosala
  9. Kuru
  10. Magadha
  11. Malla
  12. Matsya (or Maccha)
  13. Panchala
  14. Surasena
  15. Vajji
  16. Vatsa (or Vamsa)

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The Anthropocene already exists in our heads

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