Category Archives: Urban Design

Trees are Guide to Clean Water

Cities need trees to survive.Trees growing in communities, adjacent to residential and commercial properties, parks, along roads, and in parking lots provide a wealth of environmental, social and, economic benefits such temperature modification and energy conservation; air pollution removal, improved … Continue reading

Posted in Urban Design, Urban Footprint, Urban Greenery, urban morphology, Urban Studies | Leave a comment

How Human Psychology Affects Urban Design?

What is your first thought while visiting an urban public space for the first time? How does that change when you go to the same for a second and third time? Why does a particular type of public space become … Continue reading

Posted in earth, Urban Design, Urban Footprint, urban morphology, Urban Studies | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

History of Urban Growth: Factors for Development of City States

Posted in Cities, Glimpses of Our Cities, Urban Design, Urban Footprint, urban morphology, Urban Studies | Leave a comment

King Charles Built a New City

A planned community, planned city, planned town, or planned settlement is any community carefully planned from its inception and typically constructed on previously undeveloped land. This contrasts with settlements that evolve organically. Planned settlements are important due to the increasing Urban Footprint and its intensifying … Continue reading

Posted in Urban Design, Urban Footprint, urban morphology, Urban Studies | Leave a comment