How Human Psychology Affects Urban Design?

What is your first thought while visiting an urban public space for the first time? How does that change when you go to the same for a second and third time? Why does a particular type of public space become your getaway? Why is there a preference for a particular spatial atmosphere over the other? How does a designer perceive space as the result of human behavior and interaction? It should be Democratic or Restricted? Is it about Urban Fabric? Does city is built layer by layer?

The answer to these questions undoubtedly lies in understanding the correlation between human psychology and the process of urban design. The evolution of the design process from ancient times has laid its roots in accepting the role of human perception and experience in the final product of the process. Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a definition of urban space which goes beyond a standard set of qualities. The ambiance in urban space and the awareness of the same by the end users have only broadened the horizon that allows the exploration between architecture and psychology and its co-dependent relationship.

Its Imperative to see how the physical form of a city changes over time and to how different cities compare to each other. It always changed over time.Another significant part of this subfield deals with the study of the social forms which are expressed in the physical layout of a city, and, conversely, how physical form produces or reproduces various social forms.

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About Rashid Faridi

I am Rashid Aziz Faridi ,Writer, Teacher and a Voracious Reader.
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