Daily Archives: November 16, 2018

Future City Idea by Sharda Kouser

            In the foreseeable future, our cities will grow in number and size, and so will the problem’s they’re faced with. A review recently published in Future Cities and environment describe’s the exciting innovation’s already being introduced in cities (to … Continue reading

Posted in Class Assignments M.Sc. Geography 2017-19 AMU, Aligarh, earth, opinions, urban morphology, Urban Studies, vision | 18 Comments

‘Tales of the City’ Turns 40: as the World Burns

Originally posted on urbanculturalstudies:
40 years ago (in 1978), the first of Armistead Maupin’s ‘Tales of the City’ installments appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle. The ‘Tales’ would eventually be published as 9 novels, from the first ‘Tales of the…

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Future City: A Perspective by Noman Ahamad Khan

Future City As we see the word “Future City” it strikes in our mind that a city which is prosperous in its facilities, its beauty, its management, its communication, standard etc. But have a ponder on the word Future city, … Continue reading

Posted in Class Assignments M.Sc. Geography 2017-19 AMU, Aligarh, earth, opinions, urban morphology, Urban Studies | 19 Comments