Daily Archives: November 14, 2018

Future City Plan by Afzal Nadeem Siddiqui

How will our Future Cities Look?             Imagine a city of the future. Do you see clean streets, flying cars and Robots doing all the works?             No one really knows what the future holds, but the reality now is … Continue reading

Posted in Class Assignments M.Sc. Geography 2017-19 AMU, Aligarh, earth, urban morphology, Urban Studies | 19 Comments

Lurking Continents Beneath Antarctica

A new map reveals the remnants of ancient continents lurking beneath Antarctica’s ice. The map shows that East Antarctica is made up of multiple cratons, which are the cores of continents that came before, according to study leader Jörg Ebbing, a geoscientist … Continue reading

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Losch Theory of Profit Maximisation

August Losch, a German economist, published his theory of ‘Profit Maximisation’ in the year 1954. The least cost location theory of Weber was wholly discarded by Losch. In fact, he suggested that, ‘profit maximization’ is the only objective of the … Continue reading

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Future Cities: Fueling the Future by Mohd. Sadiq Khan

Future Cities: Fueling the Future             Imagine a city of the future. Do you see clean streets, flying cars and robots doing all the work?             “Or perhaps your vision is more dystopian” Reality is no one really knows what the … Continue reading

Posted in Class Assignments M.Sc. Geography 2017-19 AMU, Aligarh, earth, Glimpses of Our Cities, urban morphology, Urban Studies | 19 Comments